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Intro Guide to The Chakras


Our bodies are governed by energy. Electrical impulses power our brain, carry our nerve signals, and keep our circulation running smoothly. At the core of our energy system are the chakras – seven key energy centers which govern our every breath.

“It is up to us, how we explore the great wonders in our body, its life force, and subtle centers we call "CHAKRAS". We can either deny that they exist or learn to understand, work and awaken them in order to live a more fulfilling life on planet Earth.”

ROOT CHAKRA - 1st Chakra

Starting at the bottom, the first chakra in our body is located at the base of our spine. This is the root, or Muladhara chakra. It is symbolized by a red four-petalled lotus flower. This chakra oversees our most basic instincts, fight, flight and the need for shelter and food. When this chakra is having issues, everything else falls away. It’s hard to focus on advanced spirituality topics if we are shivering and starving. To work on this chakra, focus on basic meditations. Look to improve your diet and your sense of security.

SACRAL CHAKRA - 2nd Chakra

The next chakra is in the pelvic area. It is named the Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana. The Sacral chakra is known as the creative and fertile chakra. This is represented by the color orange. For some people this is about physical fertility. For others, it is about emotional creativity. Some see it as creating a legacy and sharing your gifts with others. Yoga poses to nurture this chakra include flowing dance sequences and strength-poses like Warrior Pose II.


Third chakra is the metabolism chakra, set in the abdomen. This is Manipura, also known as Solar Plexus. It is represented by yellow and the ram. Our metabolism and gut microbiome impact our daily health. This is a level above the ‘starving’ issues of Muladhara – with the third chakra we are looking to optimize how we eat to better support our goals and dreams. Ingest natural foods which provide prebiotics and probiotics. Eat in moderation. Yoga poses include spinal twists to stimulate digestion.

HEART CHAKRA - 4th Chakra

Fourth comes the heart chakra – Anahata, relating to green and the antelope. The location is the heart and its representation of compassion and caring. This chakra is about finding ways to support and teach others. Maybe you can lift others with your writings or music. A way to build this chakra’s strength would be to engage in loving-kindness meditation.

THROAT CHAKRA - 5th Chakra

Fifth is the mouth / throat chakra – Vishudda. We are increasing in complexity as we go. With this chakra, it is not just about the desire to communicate with others, but also giving thought as to how we manage that communication. Are we choosing the right words to be supportive? Are we listening rather than talking? The color here is blue, and the symbol is space – the interconnectedness which joins us all. This is about your personal voice, so while some people use a white elephant to represent this chakra, choose something with great meaning to you. To build on this chakra, look into breathing exercises and singing meditation.


The sixth chakra becomes more esoteric. This is the third-eye chakra, found at the center of your forehead. This is Ajna. It goes with the color violet and for the symbol, most users select something that flies such as the hawk, owl, or butterfly. This chakra represents your human consciousness. It is about an elevated state where you mindfully observe the world around you, being open to all the world has to offer. It is about looking on others with loving kindness and eating mindfully. To build on this, one would aim to live each moment with a mindful attitude.

CROWN CHAKRA - 7th Chakra

The seventh and final chakra is the crown chakra – a floating halo over the top of the head. This symbolism has been used in a wide variety of religions and cultures to represent a wise person. The name of this chakra is Sahasrāra. The color is white – it represents all colors together. Think of how white sunlight contains all colors, and a prism lets you see them. To build on this chakra, one would delve further into the openness and mindfulness in every breath, every pose, every action. From talking with a stranger to eating one’s meal, from putting on a shoe to watching a sunset, every moment is an opportunity to take in and appreciate what life has to offer.

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